Here's a fun one: Derail a political campaign. That's right, play God for the other side, or just wreck havoc on a politician's hopes and dreams. Anywhere from the drastic to a simple misunderstanding. Is he the brother of a soviet spy? Was there an affair involved or did the
bloggers just go crazy on a political stunt? Is the result a tragic family shattering press conference or will this politico run next time and win?
Two examples to jump start your story:
This presidential candidate, a Washington outsider, is on the path to the parties nomination. He and the other potentials stand for the pledge of
allegiance and he puts his left hand over his right side of his chest. The blogs go crazy, searching for other gaffs and problems. Turns out, he was a mirror twin, but his brother died in childbirth. That means his entire body map was switched, so he was putting his hand over his heart. But it was too late. He slipped in the polls and lost the nomination.
This incumbent senator is a rising star, slated for a bright future. In fact, he was asked to speak at the national convention. His picture shines on every TV screen from coast to coast and across the world. The Washington D.C. police department gets a long distance call from Australia from a girl claiming to have been assaulted by this politician. The cold case is pulled out and the DNA is matched. This man heads to a different "big house" but the next month.
Feel free you use either of my examples or parts of them.
As always play around. You might find a character you love. Remember, these
exercises might not lead to a great piece, but you may find a character, style, idea, or even line that you want to use again.